Help us track the great horned owl nestling!

What’s it doing?

Right now, the great horned owls are nesting. Babies are “branching,” meaning coming out of the nest and hanging out on branches. Like fledgling birds, they may end up on the ground, where their parents continue to care for them. The Hermitage babies are doing just that. Eventually, they will learn to climb back up the tree, but for now you may see them hiding at the base of trees. Your observations will help our knowledge of great horned owlettes grow! We can determine the number of days it takes for them to go back up, and how often they move trees.

Great horned owls are very sensitive, and too much harrassment can cause them to be so stressed that they abandone their nest. Help us prevent that from happening by keeping your distance, and enjoying the family from a distance!

Find out more about Great Horned Owls: